
Marcel van Duinen

Joined 7 years, 3 months


Marcel believes that hygiene can be safer and more efficient. There are possibilities to improve hygiene processes and increase efficiency at the same time. Marcel helps food processing companies to improve their hygiene by applying innovations. These innovations improve the hygiene situation themselves; by combining them the effect is even more substantial, both on cost reduction and hygienic level. Marcels company Clear Inn Food actively helps by examining processes at food processing companies and implements improvements. The strength of Marcel lies in connecting knowledge. Through his network he offers innovations and knowledge that are relevant for the specific situation at a food processing company. His passion comes from 2 sides. In his opinion the consumer needs to be able to fully trust the ‘cook’ of his food. That food processing companies apply hygiene practices in honor and conscience and implement the available hygiene improving innovations. Even only to save 1 person for 1 night from hanging ill over the toilet. He looks at it this way: would you do things differently if you would serve your own child your food on the last day of the expiry date? On the other side Marcel is realistic. Safe food needs to be affordable for the majority. He is convinced this is possible. That is why he works with high-tech technology innovations that all contribute to cost savings as well. Creativity is his strong side… he finds practical, logical solutions if others don’t know where to search anymore. Marcel is 49 years old, the last years he worked for an international manufacturer of cleaning and disinfection products in the food industry in the Netherlands. Last year he finished his Master NLP coaching training, as a result he is capable in helping people to take away obstacles that block reaching objectives. Marcel is ambassador of SafeFoodFactory and founder of Foundation ‘Papa, hoe vangen ze vissticks uit de zee (‘daddy, how do they catch fish sticks out of the sea’)?
  • Air
  • Cleaning - disinfecting